The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle
- 主演:Malcolm McLaren,Steve Jones,Sid Vicious
- 其他:1980年 / 8.8分 / 英国 / 喜剧 , 音乐
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Malcolm McLaren,Steve Jones,Sid Vicious
摇滚大骗局原名:The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle,
想想它拍摄的年代,弄成这样很牛了 Plot Summary for The ***** Rock 'n' Roll Swindle (1980) A rather incoherent post-breakup *** Pistols "documentary", told from the point of view of Pistols ******* Malcolm McLaren, whose (arguable) position is that the *** Pistols in particular and punk rock in general were an elaborate scam perpetrated by him in order to make "a million pounds." Silly and hard ...
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小爱 2022-10-29
原来** Way的MV出自这部。章节的设计很有意思。Sid太帅了,果然我还是那个迷恋着他的幼稚少女。
sleepwalker 2015-04-11
一群******。熬过看不懂的前几分钟,后面还挺好的,动画部分很好玩。最喜欢SV的** way。s/1pJHVlLh
橙子换马甲 2013-12-09
朋克们就是喜欢dress up 和 mess up的小朋友~ 比想象的好看很多…比julien temple那个comic strip也好看>< 以及Johnny Rotten好漂亮~ 考虑明天用commentary音轨再看一遍…
Andor-Genesis 2008-04-28
steve jones and paul cook为*** pistols画上句号!~
dac 2017-07-03
the ***** rock'n'roll swindle (1980)
Clash-Cash-Car 2015-05-16
我觉得这个片 不能叫纪录片 只能说是一个关于性**的艺术大片 酷啊 摇滚大** 性**的摇滚歌剧一样的专辑
mxcmvp 2012-09-01
sid最后的** way 太帅了 完美的表现了朋克的一面
勃然大虎 2007-11-10
feelzero 2013-01-12
The *** Pistols - a walking abortion. The *** Pistols are nothing but a bunch of irresponsible half-dead lumps. But the best are born.
Theodore 2011-06-11