Frank Lloyd Wright
- 主演:爱德华·赫曼,菲利普·博斯科,朱丽·哈里斯
- 其他:1998年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 纪录片 , 传记
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弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特传原名:Frank Lloyd Wright,
This film illustrates the life and work of the American architect. We follow the development of his work and his turbulent family life amidst scandal and tragedy. Despite all the difficulties of his personal life, Wright rises above all and beats all the odds to design some of the most famous buildings using brilliant and distinctively innovative designs that only his genius co...
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Agent Scully 2010-10-19
Wright had a tumultuous and scandalous life. But what a genius he ******* the Imperial Hotel still standing in Toyko, I wonder?
小精灵 2014-11-13
"Nothing is at last sacred but the integrity of your own mind." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
Wendy 2012-03-01
dislike the style of story-telling. very gossipy, few of any valuable artistic facts
COx2LKiD_ 2022-04-11
也是够传奇的 自己把自己搞臭了😨 但是建筑方面真的蛮天才的
没静电 2011-03-22
celebrates for the legend of Artist and Genius, Americanness, and optimism. Although cliche, nice to see music embed in narrative.
shari 2010-08-19
原来那个著名的Taliesin是给他的Dirty mistress修的。。。