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Mass in B Minor

Mass in B Minor

  • 别名:B小调弥撒
  • 主演:Georg Christoph Biller,Gewandhausorchester Leipzig,Thomanerchor Leipzig
  • 其他:2000年 / 未知分 / Deutsch,德国 /
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  • 主演:

    Georg Christoph Biller,Gewandhausorchester Leipzig,Thomanerchor Leipzig


Mass in B Minor又名B小调弥撒

The focus of attention during the 10-day Bach festivities in the **** of Leipzig, as well as of "24 hours Bach", was the live transmission of the Mass in B-minor from the Church of Saint Thomas. The performers include the Thomanerchor Leipzig and an ensemble of highly regarded soloists. Georg Christoph Biller, the cantor of Saint Thomas' Church and Bach's 16th successor conduct...

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