鲍伯与玛格丽特 第一季
Bob and Margaret Season 1
- 主演:Andy Hamilton,Alison Snowden
- 其他:1998年 / 未知分 / 英国,加拿大 / 喜剧 , 动画
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- 主演:
Andy Hamilton,Alison Snowden
鲍伯与玛格丽特 第一季原名:Bob and Margaret Season 1,
Bob and Margaret is a Canadian/UK/American animated television series that is also shown all over the world. The series was produced by Nelvana, a Toronto animation studio, and created by Canadian David Fine and British Alison Snowden. The series was based on the Academy Award winning short film Bob's Birthday, featuring the same main characters, which won the Best Animated Sho...
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