The Big Fat Quiz of Everything
- 主演:吉米·卡尔,诺尔·费丁,乔纳森·罗斯
- 其他:2016年 / 未知分 / 英国 / 喜剧
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The Big Fat Quiz of Everything
In this brand new special, quizmaster Jimmy Carr asks questions from the last 100,000 years of human history giving the unique Big Fat Quiz spin on art, literature, television, music, geography, politics, science and celebrity from every epoch. Jonathan Ross, Chelsea Peretti, Jack Whitehall, Mel Giedroyc, Richard Ayoade and Noel Fielding join Jimmy to compete for the crown in a...
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Eire 2016-02-20
Chemistry between Richard and Noel, is pure comedy legacy
skcusnabuod 2016-01-29
It was weird that I was right about Mozart...
Joanna 2016-01-24
RUN ORANGE RUN 2018-04-22
richard 和 noel 崛起了!看弹幕每个人都喜欢他俩。
蛇酱_ha 2016-02-11
今年的食物大战从以前jonathan ross的火鸡升级到蛋糕大战什么鬼哈哈哈哈哈
四面窗子四个色 2019-12-26
Save it to the car, love 😂 perfect husband & wife relationship
MonicaNoColor 2016-04-13
Noel和Richard的组合认真起来是可怕的 也是更有魅力的 只不过又扔吃的 作为一个吃货 上次扔火鸡就已经很无语了 这次又扔蛋糕 我想吃啊!
金牙爱好者 2016-12-07
白厅厅每次上big fat quiz都要搞事是不是制杖
裁裁裁 2023-03-12
我做了熟肉!在b站! 这是我最最喜欢的一期
赤琥珀 2016-07-23