Études sur Paris
- 主演:
- 其他:1928年 / 未知分 / 法国 / 纪录片
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巴黎城记原名:Études sur Paris,
André Sauvage’s Études sur Paris has long takes, improvised shots, no special effects, music or plot—essentially unwatchable to devotees of today’s wiz-bang, graphics-heavy documentary vocabulary. Long before tourist bureaus produced pastry-puff shorts or anybody could shoot a ***** full of holes with their cameraphone, field documentation was a select sport. To be a shooter re...
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糸文 2023-02-23
课上看到睡觉💤 太长了,就是那个时候巴黎的方方面面,各个地方。蛮珍贵的记录。 老师这课也太能水时间了,没讲什么内容,放个片子半节课,按理说顶多看个十几二十分钟也就行了。 能全程撑住不睡觉的挺厉害,不知有没有。
Muyan 2012-06-30
20年代巴黎城记 80+min Ciné-Mix de Jeff Millsune 修复版num
ONAR 2017-09-17
朱亦兵老师的配乐 虽是好听 但有些 emm 和原片的节奏不是很合适……
Amushi 2014-02-13
With Steven Ungar's commentary. LOL. The underwater sequence is truly astonishingly beautiful. That being said, its importance lies in its spatially specified character. Concretizing people's lives in Paris. La Zone, Nogent, Les Halles Centrales and this cultimate in Vigo's Nice.
亚麻地 2012-06-30
**锅贴 2020-01-17
塔斯鲁波的痰盂 2019-07-03
~In Stock~[巴黎城景及建筑纵览,珍贵的纪录影像,其中巴士底狱三段的用光非常惊艳(12:47-13:59/14:12-14:32/15:30-17:01)]
SAMMAX 2022-10-12
It is truly one of the most gorgeous **** symphonies