Die langen Ferien der Lotte H. Eisner
- 别名:The Long Vacation of Lotte H
- 主演:洛特·艾斯纳,Jene Moskowitz,Howard Weron
- 其他:1979年 / 未知分 / 西德 / 纪录片
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- 主演:
洛特·艾斯纳,Jene Moskowitz,Howard Weron
洛特·艾斯纳的长假原名:Die langen Ferien der Lotte H. Eisner,又名The Long Vacation of Lotte H
Shalid Saless' 60-minute documentary mostly consists of medium long shots showing the 83 year old Lotte H. Eisner in her Paris apartment routinely talking about her biography as film critic in Germany until her escape from Berlin in 1933 and later staff member of Henri Langlois' Cinémathèque in Paris, France and -- at the end -- about the new German cinema of the 70's as well a...
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紅蓮の業火 2023-09-05
VHS英字,德系稀有纪录,历史学家、作家和影评人Lotte H.Eisner是这部纪录片的主题。她回忆起自己在德国的童年,以及与F.W.Murnau和Fritz Lang等传奇导演的交往。1933年,她离开德国前往巴黎,对二战的期待使她搬到了**南部。**纳对经典的德国表现主义电影发表了相当深刻的见解,在导演索拉布·沙迪德·Saless的采访中,她的几位崇拜者顺道而来。4.5