Richard Pryor: Icon
- 主演:Chip Bolcik
- 其他:2014年 / 未知分 / 美国 /
- 点播
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- 主演:
Chip Bolcik
理查德·普赖尔:偶像原名:Richard Pryor: Icon,
Richard Pryor: ICON explores how Pryor transformed from a straight-laced comedian to one of the most controversial and thought-provoking acts of his time. ***, drugs, race--nothing was off-limits to Pryor. By changing his routine, Pryor changed comedy forever. He opened the door for other comedians to inject social commentary and other once-verboten topics into their humor. Fro...
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放学第一个跑 2020-04-07
‘’He was the alchemist that was able to transform all of the tragedy into a drink that everybody wanted a sip of‘’
OakHeart 2015-11-21
Oce 2020-11-25
"He is mentioned in the same ****** reverence as all those other ***** humanitarians that weren't comedians."