Kid 90
- 主演:索蕾尔·默恩·弗莱,马克-保罗·戈塞拉,斯蒂芬·多尔夫
- 其他:2021年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 纪录片
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Kid 90
As a teenager in the 90s, Soleil Moon Frye carried a video camera everywhere she went documenting her group of friends as they grew up in Hollywood and New York ****. Exclusively on Hulu 3/12.
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🍄 2021-03-16
**** you can find leodicaprio mark walhburg justin pierce here ..(i think part of EVERYONE actually just want to feel relevant/accepted, esp in weirdass Hollywood)
冷感动物 2021-03-20
印象最深刻的是关于人生哲学的对话- What’s your philosophy of life? - To have as much fun as possible without hurting anybody along the way. 听起来很简单,但做到很难。要活得放纵而克制,随便又小心哦~
beteragreena 2021-03-16
it's always interesting to look back
Akiko 2022-07-25
-Can you show me how to go back? -So much of what I wondered was, did things happen the way I remembered them? Was it as real as I remembered it? And…was it something that we both experienced? -Yeah, absolutely. ** love for you, your love for me. That time was a special magical time, and I knew that, you know, nothing could diminish that.
我们在一九八四 2024-09-30
全美最高危的职业就是童星了吧……最后,导演身边八位人去世,除了两位应该是中年病逝,至少有三位男**人是自鲨……这部片子里小李子镜头非常少但最后说自己又长高了特别可爱,他和马克沃尔伯格都只能全是背景板……jonathan brandis好甜啊,他俩还谈过组建家庭。soleil回头看,要是当初她也能关注到朋友们的精神状态,或许进行心里辅导干预,他们就不会自鲨吧!
Chery 2021-03-15
晴柒 2024-06-04
Can you show me how to go back?😭难以想象是他们同**的粉丝的话看这部会如何被刀到。还是要记录啊。
布鲁斯-米 2021-03-17
大红袍DKS 2021-10-07
snowwill 2024-08-17
It’s really beautiful as it is the rawness of life to the fullest