Stop All the Clocks: WH Auden in an Age of Anxiety
- 主演:W.H. 奥登,阿兰·本奈特
- 其他:2017年 / 8.4分 / 英国 / 纪录片
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W.H. 奥登,阿兰·本奈特
停止所有时钟:焦虑时代中的W.H.奥登原名:Stop All the Clocks: WH Auden in an Age of Anxiety,
WH Auden In A New Age Of Anxiety examines why Auden's poetry still shines through in the 21st century. Thirty years after his *** film The Auden Landscape, director Adam Low returns to the poet and his work. Following surges of popularity - from featuring in **** Weddings And A Funeral to being the poet New Yorkers turned to after 9/11 - Low reveals how Auden's poetry helps us ...
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**建筑师 2017-10-04
野次馬 2021-04-03
秋师的特邀前言! “如果你问我写作的功能是什么,我会首先像约翰逊博士一样回答你:写作的目的是让读者更好地享受生活,或更好地忍受它。”
Variations 2018-10-27
"If you ask what the function of writing is, I would first say what Doctor Jonhson said: the aim of writing is to enable readers a little better to enjoy life or a little better to endure it. And then the arts are a chief means of communication with the dead. And I personally think without communication with the dead a fuller human life is not possible."
censored dump 2021-04-13
奥登纪录片,从911**挖掘出了诗人的预言性(在纽约写的“1939年9月1日”,我们必须相爱或者死亡就出自这首诗),或者说历史的重复性(那些为**所害的人 / 必会以恶相报),奥登对“人类文明脆弱处”的洞察,和他跨文化中激发的语言活力,使他的诗既新鲜又耐读,《四个婚礼》中用了《葬礼蓝调》(你是我的东南西北啊),其实Before Sunrise里也用了他的诗。战争和爱情,批判和抒情,电报和狮子,都可以找到他。20世纪虽然灾难*仍,但从大师角度看,真是风云际会,比如伯恩斯坦的第二交响曲灵感来自奥登长诗《焦虑岁月》(两人性取向也像),斯特拉文斯基还委托奥登写了歌剧《浪子的历程》,更不用提奥登晚年向阿伦特求婚,或者让布罗茨基觉得垫辞典够格这些茬。听到他说“没有与逝者交流的人生是不完整的”,有点泪目。
小飞侠 2022-10-20
焦虑的时候适合读读Auden的诗。“Life remains a blessing/Although you cannot bless.”
三皮 2017-11-13
丁小龙 2022-08-23
布拉伯巴卜 2022-08-19
Life remains a blessing, although you cannot bless.
moondust 2023-11-15
扎伊爾 2023-07-17
很久没有读奥登了 但明明身体的深渊和琐碎缝隙中都有他 “He puts human experience in context so it’s easier to comprehend.”