Soud nad českou cestou
- 别名:The Judge over the Czech Way
- 主演:兹旦内克·斯维拉克,扬·斯维拉克,Tomáš Bambušek
- 其他:2019年 / 未知分 / 捷克 / 纪录片
- 点播
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- 主演:
兹旦内克·斯维拉克,扬·斯维拉克,Tomáš Bambušek
Soud nad českou cestou又名The Judge over the Czech Way
The verdict over 30 years of our democracy. Were they a success or a failure? Robert Sedláček's unique television ******* combines actors with real experts and members of the public in the roles of witnesses and a jury ... 30 years of democracy in the Czech Republic The starting point for this court is the program statement of the Civic Forum. "What we want" from November 89, t...
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