Colpo in canna
- 别名:Loaded Guns
- 主演:Ursula Andress,Woody Strode,Marc Porel
- 其他:1975年 / 未知分 / 意大利 / 动作
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- 主演:
Ursula Andress,Woody Strode,Marc Porel
上膛之枪原名:Colpo in canna,又名Loaded Guns
This is one of these daft *** comedies that could only have been made in Italy, and only in the 1970s. Often, the moments and plot twists are just completely ridiculous and at other times the film expects us to take it seriously. However, there are a few classic scenes of 1970s exploitation cinema in here which are just priceless. One of them lets us ogle at the nude Ursula And...
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Alphaswz 2022-02-10
乌**·安德丝 DVDR版 无字幕 30'12''/38'11''/47'18''/57'44''
leegee616 2022-07-23
故事、表演什么的都是浮云,就是看Ursula Andress卖弄风情。
李北洛 2022-01-06
平庸的电影但是Ursula Andress的辣**身体值得一星。