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查理一世:处死国王 第一季

查理一世:处死国王 第一季

Charles I: Killing a King Season 1

  • 别名:Charles I: To Kill A King
  • 主演:威尔·奥康纳,Barry Tipping
  • 其他:2019年 / 未知分 / 英国 / 纪录片 , 历史
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  • 主演:

    威尔·奥康纳,Barry Tipping


查理一世:处死国王 第一季原名:Charles I: Killing a King Season 1,又名Charles I: To Kill A King

This three-part series by historian Lisa Hilton is a follow-up to her previous effort from last July, Charles I: Downfall of a King. That examined his disastrous fall from power, and this first new program opened just before Christmas 1648, with the melancholy monarch incarcerated in Windsor Castle, separated from his wife and children and with only his dogs for company.

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