Zivot traje tri dana
- 主演:Slaven Doslo,Branka Katic,Milos Timotijevic
- 其他:2017年 / 未知分 / 塞尔维亚 Serbia / 剧情 , 短片
- 点播
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- 地区:
塞尔维亚 Serbia
- 主演:
Slaven Doslo,Branka Katic,Milos Timotijevic
Zivot traje tri dana
Bogdan and Svetlana come from two different layers of a rotten social ******. By chance, they run into each other in her wealthy villa. They are both unhappy with their lives, and they start a complex relationship that is from the start condemned to exist only inside the vacuum the villa provides.
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William H D Lee 2021-09-23
They are both unhappy with their lives
夜雨微澜 2021-10-31