Bill Maher: #Adulting
- 别名:#Adulting
- 主演:比尔·马厄
- 其他:2022年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 喜剧
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比尔·马厄:做个成年人原名:Bill Maher: #Adulting,又名#Adulting
Filmed at Miami's Fillmore Theater, Bill Maher's latest stand-up special sees the acclaimed comedian, host, and satirist take the stage for a hilarious and scathing hour of his signature commentary on the latest hot-button issues. Maher brings his no-holds-barred perspective to cancel culture, quarantine, Q-Anon... and everything in-between.
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Virgil 2022-05-12
3.5-3.8|“朱利安尼是唯一被大蒜吸引的吸血鬼”笑死……getting fetus drunk, cancel God, liberals-evolution, unconventional babysitter梗不错
Ber_雪碧 2022-05-29
🍄 2022-04-18
脑袋快长包了感觉 want to be possessed, want to be chosen firmly, want to be treated differently, want to be remembered all the time. 🤲🏿 baby like u made no attempt to contact the 1 uve made promise to? is that some kind of a sick joke? hope 1 day those cruel ppl finally started to pay attention to wat theyve done to the lovesick heartbroken girls ew, as for me, i could do **** good deeds, dean than alive, alive means chances, i need chances. it doesnt mean that i left all to chances, i mean it can **** right? i think the world already done me a LOT favor i couldnt ask for much ****. i feel i intentionally killed the thing i love the most.
米袄喂喂 2022-05-02
“I’m still the same pot-smoking, childless, unmarried libertine I always was. I have many flaws, but you cannot accuse me of maturing.” ;))
kallen 2022-04-22
风魔神修迦 2022-05-11
悟·净 2022-05-05
NARUMI 2022-04-19
微博上的资源还存着,b站上的已在上传了一天左右后被删。期待值太高,因此意犹未尽,还希望彪马爷多讲个俩小时。 有些熟悉的段子;压轴笑话还可以——从新高度审视自己或难堪或不幸的体验,能创造出蕴含智慧的表演艺术。ali wang的讲真话风格好像往他这靠了
顾惜朝一不小心 2022-06-02
某蔚 2022-04-17
嘴皮子还是溜 也没什么原因就是无脑喜欢Bill