Mac Miller and the Most Dope Family Season 1
- 主演:Dave Brown,Mac Miller,Quentin Cuff
- 其他:2013年 / 未知分 / 美国 / 真人秀
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Dave Brown,Mac Miller,Quentin Cuff
Mac Miller and the Most Dope Family Season 1
Chronicles the adventures of Mac Miller, a young music superstar, while he records his next album and lives the L.A. life with his **** closest friends from back home in Pittsburgh: the business mastermind Quentin, the artistically gifted Jimmy, the fashion entrepreneur Peanut, and former NFL player turned bodyguard Big Dave. (Source: IMDb)
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LeoFitz 2023-06-17
只能说我因为他的Small Worlds 和 2009把他的形象理想化了。我果然还是不太喜欢他在这里面过于幼稚的表现。只不过是一个好歌手,还是给个五星吧。