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Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss Lupino

Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss Lupino

Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss Lupino

  • 主演:Ally Acker,Julie Grossman,Ida Lupino
  • 其他:2021年 / 未知分 / 法国 /
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  • 主演:

    Ally Acker,Julie Grossman,Ida Lupino


Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss Lupino原名:Ida Lupino: Gentlemen & Miss Lupino,

In the 1950s and 1960s, Ida Lupino was the only woman in Hollywood with a serious career as a director: first in cinema and mainly for her own production company The Filmmakers Inc., and then in television, contributing episodes to some of the most celebrated series of the era. A staunch Democrat and Catholic, Lupino’s cinema often tackled subjects considered risky if not outri...

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