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Пистолет, куфар и 3 смърдящи варела

Пистолет, куфар и 3 смърдящи варела

  • 别名:Pistol, Briefcase and 3 Stinking Barrels. / Pistolet, Kufar i 3 smurdyashti varela
  • 主演:
  • 其他:2012年 / 未知分 / 保加利亚 /
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Пистолет, куфар и 3 смърдящи варела又名Pistol, Briefcase and 3 Stinking Barrels.、Pistolet, Kufar i 3 smurdyashti varela

Pistol, Suitcase and Three stinking barrels is a gangster comedy which tells the story of the 23-year-old student Anton, a.k.a "The Beautiful". He has a dream but in order for it to come true he must first find money. The Beautiful decides to risk it all and unfortunately he finds himself mixed up in a hell of a mess of intertwining absurd situations with a drug lord fascinated...

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