Take My Hand
- 主演:拉达·米切尔,亚当·德莫斯,拜尔特·爱德华兹
- 其他:2024年 / 未知分 / 澳大利亚 / 剧情 , 爱情
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牵我的手原名:Take My Hand,
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李薇 2024-09-13
Second time of Girl’s Night Out, it’s a ***** film though I don’t really like Adam Demos, but it’s a ***** Australian film. The staff Nela asked me if it’s a good film I said it’s fine for Australian film. I guess it’s ** second time to watch an OZ film in **. First one is Sal but this one is better not that complicated and **** acceptable.
** 2025-01-14
Forget me let me down Either way I'll always be around When I'm old and holding crutches on one knee I'll care for you Will you care for me When your tired eyes are turning 83 I'll be there for you Will you be there for me 歌词大意—— 忘记我,让我失望, 不管怎样,我都会一直在你身边, 当我老了拄着拐杖,行动不便, 我会照顾你,你会关心我吗? 当你疲惫的眼睛转变成83岁, 我会陪在你身边,你会在我身边吗? (看完电影再听这首歌我真的哭😭)
Paul Mescal 2025-01-21
普普通通romcom,本来就觉得前20分钟男主长得有点磕碜就觉得不太行,不过成年Michael还行,有种daddy感 看到后面突然把女主老公写的OOC还写死了真的雷得我外焦里嫩